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How did you get into this?

For more than 25 years we have been rescuing animals of all shapes and sizes. People would bring no longer wanted or hurt animals to us for care. People sometimes dump animals at our house knowing we will care for them. We volunteered at the zoo and some of the animals came from there when an exhibit was closed.

What was your first rescue animal?

It’s hard to remember the first. Probably Midnight, a Jerusalem burro from the BLM wild burro roundup from the China Lakes area of California. He was born at midnight. His mother was the one caught in the roundup. The owner put the mother in a field with a buffalo and she was gored to death.


What’s your background?

John is retired, has an MA in Biology from UNC, and taught science for twenty-one years in Thornton, Colorado. Lynda has an MA from CSU, is retired and has 32 years experience as a special needs educator and English teacher. This makes our place a great place to provide both care for animals and education for youth.



Lynda has a son Robert and a daughter Teri. Teri and her husband, Jim Allen, run a horse boarding facility (Terolyn Stables) and horse rescue (Terolyn Horse Rescue) in Elizabeth, Colorado. Boarding and riding lessons are Teri’s specialty; in addition, some of our rescue animals are free to roam on their 125 acres.


What do you hope to accomplish?

We provide care and shelter as well as tend to the medical needs of the animals that deserve to have caregivers interested in trying to right some of the wrong that was done to them and at the same time provide animal husbandry education for young people.


What kind of animals do you rescue?

Our focus is mostly large animals. We get referrals from friends and organizations in the Parker area and throughout the Denver area, some from the Denver Zoo, BLM, and Forestry Service. Both Lynda and John were volunteers at the zoo for over 8 years. When the zoo found that we had property and cared for animals, consequently they placed some non-exotic animals at our Foundation. They checked us out and visited the property to make sure we were trustworthy.


How did the Zoo find out about you?

John and Lynda have both been volunteers with the Denver Zoo. Through the association with the zoo, its director and the animal keepers, it was known that we had a facility for animal care. This prompted the relocation of a few animals from Denver Zoo. These animals included 2 donkeys, 2 Zebu, 3 goats and several guinea hens.


Who pays for the animals’ upkeep?

Mainly we pay out of pocket, that is why your donations are so appreciated. 100% of money donated goes to the animals. Lynda and John do not take any compensation. For example, we just got mats for the stalls, it makes it much easier to clean and it’s easier on the animals. Last year we installed automatic waterers. We keep a big salt block in every animal’s feeder to insure they drink plenty of water, and each get their own space to eat. Recently a one sided shed was added to the north side of the barn so we can store more hay. The animals also use this as a windbreak. Vet bills and farrier (hoof trimming) services are paid from donations.


Do you adopt animals out?

If the opportunity for a perfect forever home becomes available, we will adopt out. People are also welcome to take certain animals under their wings here and help with their special care. They can target donations for special care or feed of an animal. An example is Golden Wonder, a 28 year-old Foxtrotter gelding with Cushings. This is caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland. He is on a medicine called Pergoglyde, costs $110 a jar, and a jar lasts 45 days. It is a daily medicine and a jar lasts about 45 days. He is also on a daily joint supplement with glucosamine. If you would like to sponsor a specific animal, you can let us know which one when you make a donation. We’ll put your initials in a heart next to their bio on our Meet the Animals page.


Do other people work with you? Who?

Volunteer help is always welcome! Lynda, John, and volunteers do most of the day-to-day chores. The animals keep us busy all day long.


What else do you do (children/education)?

In the past we had over 30 foster children. The foster children had been a great help feeding, and maintaining the animals, buildings and fences. We schedule school, church and scout group tours. Working with the animals is a great stress relief for young and old alike. Lynda is a substitute teacher for the Cherry Creek School District.


What groups do you work with?

We welcome all groups and individuals interested in animals. Sometimes the burros pose in live nativity scenes. Scout groups take field trips to the farm. Special needs classes visit and the kids love the hands on with the animals. Emotionally disabled kids and foster kids seem to relax and calm in the presence of these gentle animals. Handicraft classes in spinning and weaving are offered with fiber gathered from the llamas.


What do the children learn?

Anyone who visits comes away with a better understanding of animal care and feeding. Time spent with the animals builds individual’s self-confidence. Handicrafts learned can lead to leisure hobby interests.


How can people help you and your animals?

Money donations are very much needed and gladly accepted. Manual labor is always needed to clean stalls and make repairs. The animals always love a grooming session. Spread the word! Much help needed!!!!


Can people visit the animals?

Yes, visitors are welcome but by appointment only, please. Feed the ducks. Walk the llamas. Brush the horses.


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Come feed the ducks; walk the llamas; brush the horses; feed treats to the animals. Our animals are gentle and good natured, and its a great way to get to know them, see how clean and nurturing our farm is, and spend some time getting back to nature.

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12858 N Sierra Cir

Parker, CO 80138




Edwards Foundation for Rescued Animals - a no kill sanctuary

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